Wednesday 21 December 2016

Goes To Saumlaki

Assalamualaikum everyone   πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

Right now, I will tell you about my stories when I went to Saumlaki. You can go to Saumlaki from Pattimura International Airport. It's about 1 hour and 40 minutes by plane.

You can go to Saumlaki using this plane

After that, you will landing on Mathilda Batlayeri Airport. This airport is quite small, but it's clean enough. Mathilda Batlayeri came from the name of an wife who her husband is an police officer. Her husband died, becouse of he has been shot by enemy when he joined a war in South Kalimantan.

Mathilda Batlayeri Airport

Inside Mathilda Batlayeri Airport

when you in Saumlaki, It's very easy to find Susu Jos. What is that???
Susu Jos is kind of drink. It's mix from milk and extra joss (one of energy drink). Every restaurant or eatery has susu jos menu. Saumlaki netizen from adult to children like to drink it. You'll get a big glass of Susu jos than the other drink. (Sorry, I take the picture from google)


Extra joss (you must mix milk and extra joss, so you can try Susu jos)

  Also, in Saumlaki you can find Tenun Tanimbar. But, I think is quite expensive. It's start form IDR500.000,00. You can make shirt or blouse from Tenun Tanimbar

Tenun Tanimbar (from google)

 Ok guys, this is my stroy for today. See you next time with different trip and stories   πŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜ŒπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Monday 19 December 2016

Istilah Ekonomi Part 4

Assalamualaikum minasannnn

Kali ini, aku mau posting lagi istilah ekonomi yang aku dapet pas baca beberapa artikel terkait ekonomi dan keuangan. Semoga bermanfaat bagi sobat semua

1. BI checking adalah sistem pencatatan yang dibuat oleh Bank Indonesia untuk membantu bank mengetahui profil nasabah calon pencari kredit. Di dalam sistem tersebut akan tercatat apakah nasabah tersebut menunggak kredit dalam waktu lama, sedang memiliki kredit, atau sedang memiliki pembayaran tagihan lainnya.

2. Lapse adalah berhentinya manfaat proteksi asuransi karena tidak adanya pembayaran premi hingga masa yang telah ditentukan

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